-Only group of animals to posses feathers
-Has bills, instead of teeth. Bills are toothless mandibles covered with a horny sheath of keratin
-Egg laying
-Warm blooded

-Presence of gills
-Have scales and fins
-Cold blooded
-Egg laying

-Have hair/fur
-Jaw Joint
-Mostly give birth to young, some would lay eggs (e.g. platypus)
- Tooth replacement
- 3 middle ear bones
- females produce milk to feed their young
-Dry skin with scales or scutes
-Spinal columns and a strong skeletal system with a rib cage.
-Cold Blooded
-No External Ears

-Breathe with skins and gills
-Moist Smooth Skin
-A three-chambered heart
-Webbed Feet
-Lays many egg

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